Store Refurbished salami (09/24/24)
The store has been moved to Bandcamp.
Right now it's under B1tshft's page.
However, soon it will be under it's own L.A.D page.
- salami
Aleia Released! salami (09/14/23) Aleia has officially been released!
- salami
Website Restructure salami (05/24/23)
The website will be under going some internal refactoring.
So expect some things to break in the meantime.
- salami
Record salami (05/11/23)
A possible new record is being worked on under our label.
In the meantime, enjoy some the of new images we uploaded to our Downloads page.
- salami
New Store! salami (05/08/23)
Our Store has officially opened!
If you want to buy any of our items we recommend you contact our email.
- salami
Music Page salami (05/04/23)
New Music Page was added.
It lists all music released under L.A.D.